
Pitaya-Bot uses Viper to control its configuration. Below we describe the configuration variables split by topic. We judge the default values are good for most cases, but might need to be changed for some use cases. The default directory for the config file is: ./config/config.yaml.


These are general configurations

Configuration Default value Type Description
game   string Name of the application being tested, to appear in Prometheus


These configuration values configure the Prometheus monitoring service to check how the server being tested is behaving. To monitor the application, the option report-metrics must be true when starting the Pitaya-Bot.

Configuration Default value Type Description
prometheus.port 9191 int Port which the Prometheus instance will run


The configurations needed to access the Pitaya server being tested

Configuration Default value Type Description localhost string Pitaya server host
server.tls false bool Boolean to enable/disable TLS to connect with Pitaya server
server.serializer json string must be json or protobuffer “” string Route for server documentation. Target server must implement handlers for protobuf descriptors and auto documentation.
server.protobuffer.pushinfo.routes [] []string Information about the protos used by push messages from the server, this part contains the routes of the messages
server.protobuffer.pushinfo.protos [] []string Information about the protos used by push messages from the server, this part contains the names of the protos

If your application use protobuffers, specifying docs is required. You can also add a list of routes and protobuffer types if your application sends push information to the bot. See testing/protobuffer/config/config.yaml for example.


Configuration Default value Type Description
storage.type memory string Type of storage which the bot will use


Configuration Default value Type Description
kubernetes.config $HOME/.kube/config string Path where kubernetes configuration file is located
kubernetes.context   string Kubernetes configuration file context
kubernetes.cpu 250m string CPU which will be allocated for each Kubernetes Pod
kubernetes.image tfgco/pitaya-bot:latest string Pitaya-Bot docker image that kubernetes will use to deploy pods
kubernetes.imagepull Always string Kubernetes docker image pull policy
kubernetes.masterurl   string Master URL for Kubernetes
kubernetes.memory 256Mi string RAM Memory which will be allocated for each Kubernetes Pod
kubernetes.namespace default string Kubernetes namespace that will be used to deploy the jobs
kubernetes.job.retry 0 int Backoff limit from the jobs that will run each spec file


Configuration Default value Type Description
manager.maxrequeues 5 int Maximum number of requeues that will be done, if some error occurs while processing a job
manager.wait 1s time.Period Waiting time between each job process


Configuration Default value Type Description
bot.operation.maxSleep 500ms time.Duration Maximum sleep duration between bot operations, the launcher selects a random value in the range [0, maxSleep]
bot.operation.stopOnError false bool Defines if the bot should stop running on error, by default it restarts the spec
bot.spec.parallelism 1 int Defines the number of instances to run for each spec when running on kubernetes